Stress rash & relief

Stress rash & relief


      Hello, in this article I present Stress meaning, definitions, importance, explanations, and solutions. I wrote this article on the bases of today's reality, many authorized books, and experience of mine as well as other persons.

      I hope that you can enjoy the article.


STRESS means we are overthinking in the present that worse situations/times will be happening in the future then what I can do.



When we are in stress we don’t feel good, we feel tired, we are angry on the smaller thing, we want to loneliness, we want to take some time to heal and to think that how to solve the problem that I face now and we are overthinking on the problem, not the solution.
Stress does not only come from mentally but it also comes from physically. 

Causes of STRESS

There are mentally causes of STRESS are below:

I.    Fears.

II.    Anxiety.

III.    Inferiority.

IV.    Loneliness.

V.    Predictions.

VI.   Selfishness.

VII.   Comparison.

VIII.    Expectations.

IX.    Assumptions.

X.    Overthinking.

XI.    Procrastinations.

XII.    Wrong decisions.

XIII.    We don’t take a break in life.

XIV.    We underestimate ourselves.

XV.    Think about more on me, not we.

XVI.    Our needs/wants not to accomplish.

 XVII.    Bitter sentences of other persons.

XVIII.    We easily give up in any situation or time.

XIX.    We don’t do any physical activity in a single day.

XX.    We judge every time, any person and any situation.

XXI.    We don’t do that particular work which we like/love to do.

XXII.    We gave very importantly to small things as well as big things.

XXIII.    We often think about past good/bad times or situations or persons.

XXIV.    We often think negative in that particular time, situation and person.

XXV.    We think ideas, problems, and solutions in mind but we didn’t write it.

XXVI.    We don’t follow our passion and then we regret that passion work.

XXVII.   We underestimate or overestimate the future is another root cause of stress in present.

XXVIII.    We don’t aware that what type of thoughts and which directions of thoughts running in the mind.

XXIX.    When we hurt other people’s we don’t feel good and in mind, we thought how to revenge on that person.

XXX.    We often think/worrying that if that time or situation or person comes then what happens and what I can do at that time.

XXXI.    If our particular past time worse but we didn’t learn from it then there must create stress in our mind is present.

XXXII.    Our thinking is not an order. We think randomly and in any subject. We don’t think of a particular subject that is a big problem.

XXXIII.    We don’t accept the truth.

There are physical causes of STRESS are below:

          I.      We take wrong or junk food items to eat.

         II.      Some injuries.

         III.      Small terms of diseases.

         IV.      Long term disease.

Types of STRESS

There are four types of STRESS:

        I.    Frustration

       II.    Conflict

      III.    Change

      IV.    Pressure

I. Frustration 


When we are doing something and unexpected things happen accidentally then our minds create the different thoughtful state of us it’s call frustration.


When we are doing our work with focus and our colleague interferes, boss or senior or junior annoying us at that time creates frustration in mind and anger on that person.

When we are going somewhere and there are lots of traffic in our way then we frustrate. When we are in lots of pressure of workload and we have less time then it creates frustration. To avoid frustration you should do plan and give proper time to work or situation.


II. Conflict 


Conflict means we don’t make the right decision from more than two thoughts.


When we want to do something but there is a positive and negative effect of work. Then we can’t make decisions fast and that time conflict arises in our mind.

1. Robertson wants to marry Laura but there is the conflict that Laura has positive and negative effects/sides. So, Robertson much thinks about that effects/sides and conflicts arise in Robertson's mind that he married her or not. (No girl/boy has not negative sides/effects in life.)

2. Robertson wants to do business but there is risk and other negative sides then he requires deep knowledge of business then he takes the right decision.

To avoid conflict we should have deep knowledge of that person or work. We should know that what is the positive and negative sites of that person or work. Then you can make the right decision.

III. Change 


Change means in the present we have good health, a nice family, better business/job and quality of life but in the future maybe we have not.                                                                                                              


In life only one thing is permanent that is change. If we are not ready for the change then we can’t free from stress . In life, we don’t get what we want. If life gives what we want then we don’t value it. So, remember one statement in life. That is, 

"Life doesn't give us what we need, life gives us what we merit."

So, prepare for the future and ready to accept what will happen. It is the only solution to stress less state.

IV. Pressure 


Pressure means that type of thoughts which is more related to negativity.


We often things that if we can’t fulfill the expectations of our family, friends and love ones then what happens. If he/she/they are sad due to me then what I can do at that time.

Other is our expectation to us that if I can’t earn the required money, if I can’t be a topper and if I can’t cop up with my spouse.

So, if you can expect less and be fearless from other expectations that you are free from stress.

Relief solutions:

I.    When we can change the situation of us then there only one solution is we must take action for it.

II.    When we cannot change the situation or time or person or others thinking then there is not take an action there only one solution is we must change our thinking, not others. We cannot change the people and person’s thinking so there is must change our thinking. It’s the only solution to these types of problems.

III.    We should take things lightly. When we take things likely we don’t panic and not doing hasted actions.

IV.    For a few minutes or hours in a day, we should take a break and think about ourselves and think about the solution, do question to ourselves that I live the quality of life? or robotic life?

V.    Don’t do overthinking on different things at one time. Overthinking is good when we think about one particular thing at one time.

VI.    Don’t make blind expectations when that expectations wouldn’t be fulfilled then we feel sad as well as stress .

VII.    Don’t take all matters seriously then you become fearless. When you see what is the reality then automatically you will become stress  less or fearless.

VIII.    When we are out of our comfort zone then our mind creates anxiety. Therefore, you can understand that that type of situation is normal and natural then you are free from stress.

IX.    Don’t see another person as an enemy or competitor. If you can see another person as an enemy and competitors then you can feel inferiority in yourself.

X.    Loneliness is good for a short time in a day but you would build loneliness is a habit then it is a cause of stress . You can spend time with your parents, spouse, friends, and children then you feel satisfied and happy.

XI.    Don’t predict the future by your understanding and beliefs. If your predictions will be failed then you will be regret and in stress . So, remember one thing is,

Best predictions are to create it.

                                                                                                                             - PARROWS 

XII.    When you become selfish then you don’t think about other’s and you only find that from where and how to I will be happy or I got the advantage in the future then another person doesn’t like you and they are not staying with you in long term. Then you feel stress  every time.

XIII.    Why are you doing a comparison to others to yourself? There are different parents, different beliefs, different thoughts, different situations and different times. Then how you can measure? For comparison the most important rule is there is a similar level at a time then you can compare it’s reliable

XIV.   Don’t make an assumption when you haven’t perfect knowledge of that particular subject. If you are assuming that subject in which you haven’t idea or knowledge then your statement/sentences failed then you also feel bad, angry on yourself and stress  in your mind

XV.    Don’t procrastinate your actions towards your goals and works. When your goals or works not over in time then you will definitely in stress  and angry on yourself. There is you can’t blame others.

XVI.   In the past we don’t have deep knowledge and experience then that time of our taken decision will be wrong. Then we are in stress . So, when you make a decision first you gather deep knowledge and take require experience.

XVII.    We underestimate our strength and doing self-doubt on us.

XVIII.    We more think about ourselves than our relations. When we more think about ourselves than our relations then they are not happy or satisfy with us. Then we don’t happy and we are in stress .

XIX.   When our wants and needs don’t fulfill then we are doing adjustments. Every person can do adjustments for short period. But, in the long term that adjustment converts into permanent sadness and stress. For the achievement of needs and wants the only one solution is hard work (here hard work means maximum use of mind, body and your heart).

XX.    For many reasons, we don’t forget the bitter sentences of other persons. We knowingly or unknowingly frequently running those things in mind. The only solution is to forgive that person and continue your way.

    XXI.    We easily give up in any situation or time. If we give up in the present then we regret and stress in the future. So, never give up until you will achieve that glorious time.

    XXII.    We don’t do any physical activity for our bodies. If we want to achieve long term strengths then we do some excise every day. If our physics is not good then our body not support in adventures and hard times. So, do minimum excise as your body/age type.

    XXIII.    We often judge persons, situations and times. When we judge any and then the result is not according to us then we are in stress. So, don’t judge any persons, situations and times.

    XXIV.    Every day you should do something that you like or love then you can stress-free for that time.

    XXV.    In life, the most important thing is health, family and happiness/peace. Other things are important but not more than health, family and happiness/peace. If other things related problems arise then don’t be tense and take the stress. At the right time, all problems will be solved.

    XXVI.    We are thinking about the past good/bad times. If we more think about past time in the present then we don’t feel good in present times. It does not matter that that past time is good or bad. If we think past good times in the present then we regret that why a good time is not in present? So good as well as bad time is the cause of stress.

    XXVII.    We don’t think positive in most situations. We think negative in most situations. That negative thinking on that particular situation is the cause of present stress or overthinking.

    XXVIII.    If we think ideas, solutions and problems properly but if we don’t write it then we will be confused and do not make the decision right. So, if you think about solutions, ideas and problems then write it. It is more useful to take the decision and reduce stress.

    XXIX.    We don’t follow our passion because we don’t know the importance of passion. If we don’t follow our passion then how we will energize/motivate/inspire? So, follow your passion and do it at least 30 minutes per day it gives a lot of energy and you feel good. We know the value of money but we don’t know the value of good feelings. Good feelings are much value than money. So, follow your passion.

    XXX.    We underestimate or overestimate the future is another root cause of stress is present. First, we know the reality of the situations then we take action. Then we are free from stress in the present.

    XXXI.    We don’t aware that what type of thoughts and which directions of thoughts running in the mind. If we were aware of what happens in our mind then we control and give direction to our thoughts. Then we are free from stress and overthinking.

    XXXII. When we hurt from the person. We don’t feel good and in mind, we thought how to revenge on that person. First, we will know the reality of that person and if possible then forgive them. If not possible then take an action but before take an action we must know that what is the result if we take an action on that particular person.

    XXXIII.    We often think/worrying that if that time or situation or person comes then what happens and what I can do at that time. We see the reality of the present and future. sometimes we assume big and take big action but sometimes we take action accordingly reality, not assumptions or expectations.

    XXXIV.    If our particular past time worse but we didn’t learn from it then there must stress in present. If we learn from it then we don’t feel sad or regret or stress. If we don’t learn from our past then we are foolish person then we again do those mistakes. That mistakes give us to stress or sadness or regret.

    XXXV.    Our thinking is not an order. We think randomly and in any subject at one time. We don’t think about one particular subject that is the big problem with us. I am again recommended that once we start writing of our thoughts then our thoughts are in order and one subject.

     XXXVI.    We don’t accept the truth. When we start to accept the truth then automatically our mind entered in a stress-less state and our mind finds the way/solution for us.

XXXVI.    We can also take care of ourselves or ours. we should avoid junk food. If we are ill then don’t think negative be patient and think that what I will do after the illness.  


If we can take actions for us, then we can release stress  from our brain.

Remember always that everything is temporary then you don’t take stress in small things. Be patient in every situation of life.

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.

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  1. You are doing great job brother. Your blog is very useful in future brother. Thanks brother.

    1. Thank you so much. My best reward is you are happy & you liked my blogs.


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