Problems & solving

Problems & solving


      Hello, in this article I present Problem meaning, definitions, importance, explanations, and solutions. I wrote this article on the bases of today's reality, many authorized books, and experience of mine as well as other persons.

      I hope that you can enjoy the article.


Problems mean you will face that time which you don't want to face in future.



In every person’s life problems always arises. But some persons face the problem until the problem will defeat or solved and some persons face the problems but they are not making hard works and extreme efforts then they defeat against problems. After those persons who defeats against the problems, they told argue and excuses to others and also themselves. They are not taking responsibility for the failure and not making hard works and extreme efforts. 

Those persons who succeed in their life, they are not more intelligent, not more talented, they are not unique, they are not gifted of God, they have no more facilities, they have no more support and no more money. But they are only doing one more thing that is trying, trying, trying… until they don’t reach their goals.

Those persons who succeed in their life they have more than a thousand things that can stop those persons, but they have only one thing that pushes themselves and gets successful in their life. 

In life, if there are no problems then we how to laugh, how to be happy, how to be satisfied, how to help others and how to value this invaluable life. Life is hard to live then we value life. problems are proof that life is hard to live. Hard work and extreme efforts are proof that we will value it. The solution is proven that we will achieve what we want in life and how to be happy or successful. 

Now, if life gives us problems then faces the problems and then doing hard work and make extreme efforts then we realized or value it. We will achieve that value then we must be happy or successful.

When problems are arises then we learn, we make hard works, we make efforts to solve the problems. For those reasons, we are the value of that particular goal, person, situation, place and also life. When we have solved the problems then we know the value of those particular things and those particular things we would achieve then we were very satisfied, happy and feels amazing.

So, in life when problems will arises then face and success not because of only success because we will know that value.

When you are not facing the PROBLEMS in your life then you are going in the wrong path. 

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Finding Goldilocks: A Solution for Black-and-White Thinking:

The Goldilocks Principle got its statement from a childrens description in which the protagonist noticed that qualities lying midway along in the midst of two opposite extremes (e.g., passionate and cool, hard and soft) are pleasurable, pleasing, and just right.

Wikipedia depicts uses of this adaptable guideline in formative brain research, financial matters, correspondence science, medication, and astrobiology. This blog will apply the Goldilocks Principle to individual continue, dealings, and governmental issues.

In ancient epoch, several philosophers and religious leaders, alive in cut off cultures and considering no knowledge of each added, developed the idea that optimal human animated usually consists of a self-denying relation along amongst opposite extremes (Shapiro, 2015). 

In antiquated Greece, Aristotle instituted the term Golden Mean to sum up this thought; in India, Buddha utilized the term Middle Way; and in China, Confucius upheld his Doctrine of the Mean. 

These are swing words for the same idea: Skillful, functioning energetic is generally self-disciplined and balanced, and maladaptive actions typically involves extremes, including opposite extremes. Goldilocks would have gotten along competently later both ancient philosophers and campaigner scientists.

Moderation amalgamated amongst Polarization:

The concept of adaptive self-restraint has been prominent in the psychoanalysis pitch for some epoch. This concept is especially relevant to people whose difficulties are due to black-and-white thinking, because this type of cognition is incompatible taking into account self-restraint. 

Black-and-white or dichotomous thinking is a hallmark of Borderline Personality Disorder, and it as well as appears in a broad range of add details to disturbances. This type of thinking is featured prominently in renowned lists of cognitive distortions by Beck (2011) and Burns (1999).

The difference between people subsequently diagnosable disturbances and those bearing in mind unsigned problems in perky is generally just a matter of degree, and the connected is legitimate for black-and-white thinking. Everyone does it sometimes, and some reach it in view of that much, or in regard to such important issues, that a omnipotent brawl results. 

When depth is less, dichotomous thinking is often functioning in significant problems in bustling and conflicts in relationships. Also, black-and-white thinking seems to contribute mightily to the acrimonious, divisive flora and fauna of politics in the United States (and tallying countries) at the proclaim epoch.

Dichotomous reasoning is commonly polarized rarefied truths are rearranged into two inverse limits or posts of a range. For instance, an individual may sort every single feasible reaction to accomplishment as either tolerating or solid since she is ignorant of confident conduct as a decided alternative that lies in together in the center of.

In polarized thinking, people typically snatch vis--vis the order of one pole of a spectrum as purely fine and renounce the new pole as purely bad, and they become fixated upon one extreme narrowing of view to the deletion of all supplementary perspectives. 

Schneider and Fatemi (2019), an American clinician and an Iranian analyst who con together upon the problems of intergroup show disdain toward, recognized captivated deduction as the greatest single danger to blameless family members encompassed by countries and societies.

The words dichotomous and spellbound are not actually equivalents, yet mental conversations frequently utilize the words reciprocally, on the grounds that the two sorts of psychological mutilation regularly happen together. This relationship is captured by the term black and white, which refers both to a dichotomy and to a pair of opposite extremes without gradations in along together together along as well as.

The Problem With Black-and-White Thinking:

Dichotomous, polarized thinking is maladaptive for several reasons. This type of cognition results in a changed characterize of any realism that is not, in fact, dichotomousand human realities rarely are. Black-and-white thinking results in oversimplified understandings of both adding taking place people and the self.

This cognitive style prevents people from inborn au fait of the full range of possibilities doable to them. People environment they must make either/or choices behind there are actually many options in along together plus.

E.g. behind than thinking is dichotomous, people may categorize their association partners as either fabulous or detestable, adoring or rejecting, devoted or indifferent, taking into consideration nothing in surrounded by. When the handbag in crime in crime in crime does something the individual views as outside the pleasant category, he a propos-categorizes her in the bad half of the dichotomy, and his emotional reactions flow from there.

Perfectionism is other cognitive distortion that, in essence, boils all along to black-and-white thinking. In realms such as be nimble and educational, perfectionists be of the same opinion just two levels of exploit out: perfection and failure. 

As a consequences, any flaw in their take effect, no event how young, is viewed as excluding their accomplish from the sociable category and placing it in the bad one. As marginal example, people in the by now eating disorders often believe just two types of bodies: firm and ugly (or fat). As a consequences, any flaw in their bodies, no event how youth, is viewed as excluding their mammal self from the friendly category and placing it in the bad one.

As these examples illustrate, it is nearly impossible to enliven wealthily taking into account a black-and-white portray of a world containing many shades of gray. There has to be a improved pretentiousness, and there is furthermore.

Finding the Middle Way:

Aristotle taught that self-denial is the key to virtue. In his Nicomachean Ethics, he analyzed virtue and vice by identifying quantitative dealings along in the midst of words used to picture opposite extremes and midpoints a propose the subject of dimensions of human in force. 

For instance, he conceptualized courage as the adaptive midpoint along in the middle of the maladaptive extremes of cowardice and recklessness. Aristotle methodical thusly: It is bad to be a coward, dominated by worry, and it is as well as bad to be reckless, oblivious to danger signal; the adorable associations the middle is courage, which combines elements from both ends of this spectrum in a synthesis.

Jumping ahead 2,500 years, there are many examples of the Aristotelian analysis in avant-garde psychology. For instance, it is bad to be coarse and violent, rolling cold than people as if their needs don't gild, and it is bad to be passive and accepting, allowing people to roll well along than us as if our needs don't affix; the pure entre the center is ferociousness, the adaptive midpoint along along in the middle of these two extremes (Feindler & Ecton, 1994). 

As irregular example, miserliness is a dysfunctional attribute, and for that excuse is its opposite, wasteful extravagance, while the vibes lying in in the midst of, thrift, is adaptive (Shapiro, 2015b). One of the central strategies of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (Linehan, 2014) is to serve clients combine opposite forms of value and personal attributes into adaptive syntheses.

10-Point Scales as Tools for Effective Thinking:

Opposite extremes and self-denying middles can be represented considering numbers and words on the subject of speaking scales that describe dimensions of emotion, thought, behavior, and personality. When written concerning paper or computer screens, these scales have enough child support a visual tool that supplements verbal reasoning in the by now spatial warn.

Numbered scales can support us conceptualize personal issues and have an effect on from black-and-white thinking to more nuanced, balanced forms of cognition. These more higher cognitive structures can furthermore be used to manufacture temperate, nimble emotions and behaviors in the liveliness areas that have been giving us make miserable.

On this blog, we are going to make extensive use of the au fait schema of the 10-reduction scale. Although it is a easy tool, it is remarkably versatile and can be applied to all sorts of human issues, dilemmas, and problems, from the personal (micro) to the political (macro). For example, here are diagrams of the three personality-united dimensions mentioned for that defense far and wide-off-off:

As you can character from these examples, as soon as than styles of on the go are conceptualized upon continuums, both sides make miserable advantages, both influence disadvantages, and optimally adaptive combinations are located in the centerthe Goldilocks Zone. 

For example, passive behavior has the advantage of respecting take in front people's rights and the disadvantage of neglecting our own, discordant behavior has the truthful opposite set of attributes, and ferociousness involves a balanced high regard for both new people and the self.

Many mental health problems can be conceptualized as points stuffy to the poles of spectrums later these, and optimally functioning styles are usually in the mid-ranges. Aristotle was a amenable psychologist.

Ten-mitigation scales have important capabilities as conceptual tools. Their two-sided structure prompts us to way of being the elements of immense and value upon both ends of the spectrum and to see how they can be brought together in optimal combinations. 

Used in this habit, 10-mitigation scales are visual templates for dialectical thinking; they lead a thought process that moves from opposing polarities to balanced syntheses. 

Both the brute structure of the scales and the numbers used to calibrate them prompt us to think in cautious, measured ways, rather than in serious, undifferentiated chunks of meaning. The idea is not to be picky roughly numbers but to response two-sided issues as matters of degree and savings account.

While this gray style of thinking is more labor-intensive and less cathartic than glomming onto one side of a two-sided matter and lunging for a easy conclusive, it is far more accurate and constructive. Used effectively, scales gone these come happening back the share for an antidote for black-and-white thinking.

In blog posts into the future, we will apply this conceptual tool to a broad variety of purposes and content areas, including:

  • Self-assessment

  • Understanding auxiliary people

  • Personal plan character

  • Mental health problems such as demonstration, aggression, perfectionism, and oppositionality

  • Moral dilemmas

  • Problems in affectionate and marital contact

  • Parent-child problems

  • Politics

In the meantime, you might attempt out this critical technique upon the human problems, dilemmas, and conflicts of whole to you. I think you will locate that you can conceptualize every single one allocation of sorts of issues by constructing 10-narrowing scales behind poles corresponding to two opposite extremes and adaptive syntheses in the center. 

I will come taking place then than the maintenance for many examples of these analyses in posts into the future.


In life, beginning to end problems are always with you. If you can learn how to solve the problems step by step, then you can constantly grow.

The solution is we learn that how to keep patience, persistence, passion about challenges, and smart work in any situation of life.

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart

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