Life meaning & quotes

Life & quotes


      Hello, in this article I present Life meaning, definitions, importance, explanations, and solutions. I wrote this article on the bases of today's reality, many authorized books, and experience of mine as well as other persons.

     I hope that you can enjoy the article.


Life is a journey/game. In this journey/game you will faces some bad as well as good times, situations, persons and moments which you live is life.



      In life, we have happiness and sadness repeatedly. But, enjoy is permanent. If humans will learn how to enjoy at anything that human lives life like heaven.

Why life is very hard for living?

      Life is not stable at any time. In life every time and situation is different. In life there is  a three an Important thing is given below. 

  •    Life teach us 
  •    Life takes things from us 
  •    Life gives things to us

Life teach us:

    In LIFE we did things first, then life teaches us.  
      Life teaches us that what to do, when to do, why to do, how to do, with to do, whom to do and also teach us that what not to do, when not to do, why not to do, how not to do, with not to do and whom not to do.
      Life teaches us in various ways. These ways are to meet bad peoples, bad experiences, bad times, bad situations, bad fights/war, bad thoughts, bad decisions, bad works, bad relations, problems, and our mistakes.

      In life, we face bad ways in different aspects and times. In those situations, we keep ourselves calm. Our thinking should be positives. That time is very hard to handle but in that particular time, we think patiently, take advice from others, keep aside our ego, learn from others, take knowledge from any source, don’t make decisions when we angry, sadness, fatigue and stress. In the end, we will get all the answers, solved the problems and get what we want.

      Life also teaches us in great ways. These ways are to meet nice people, great experiences, beautiful times, wonderful situations, fantastic thoughts, good decisions, works, and good relations. At that particular time, we don’t have a little arrogant, we should be polite and kind. That time we help other people, not too dominant people. That time we should be sharing the experiences, knowledge, tricks, and tips.

     So, in all those ways life teaches us how to live.

Life takes things from us:

      Sometimes life takes many/much more from us such as a beautiful time, a great situation, a wonderful place, nice peoples, great memories, good works, and good items. Life takes these things for that result humans will sad. 

      But here the biggest exam is that human doesn’t face sadness and then disappointed. In that time or situation, a human doesn’t do any efforts to accepts/change or a human did suicide.

      In that sad time doing anything with patience, courage, grab the knowledge, learn, take the suggestion of others, observe, keep positivity and think on solutions, not problems (Here don’t ask yourself why this problem arises with me and don’t say my luck is bad. Everyone has an own problem in this world. 

      There is no human to face the problems in his/her life.) I accept and know that that sad time is very hard to tackle or face but after faces the problems we will happy. 

     Happiness and sadness repeatedly come & goes. So, accept the truth of life and then enjoy life.

      And an also sometimes takes bad things such as bad times, bad items, bad situation, bad place, bad memories, bad peoples and bad work. Life takes these types of things for that result humans will happy. 

       In that time or situation, humans should be remembered such types of things such as don’t have an ego, arrogant, despicable, do respect others, be kind, be polite, help others, maintain good relations with others and talking others with humbleness.

      So, in all those ways life takes things from us.

Life gives things to us:

      Sometimes life gives many/much more from us such as a beautiful time, a great situation, a wonderful place, nice peoples, great memories, good work, and good items then we are very happy at that time. At that time humans should remember the above paragraph things in the mind.

      And also life gives bad things such as bad times, bad items, bad situations, bad places, bad memories, bad peoples and bad work then we are also very sad at that time. But here keep remember that doing anything with patience, courage, grab the knowledge, learn, take the suggestion of others, observe, positivity and think on solutions, not problems.

     So, in all those ways life gives things us.

      Life is very hard to live because if life is easy to live then we don’t value it. Human nature is human values those things which are hard to achieve or did very efforts to achieve it. If a human did very effort, did hard work and take a pain then humans realized and valued that item, person, work, time and achievements of any things.

      If humans didn’t make efforts, didn’t make hard work and doesn’t take a pain then humans didn’t realize and value that item, person, work, time and achievements of any things. Then why we expect from the life that life will easy to live?

      Life is hard to live then we value life. Problems are proof that life is hard to live. Hard work and extreme efforts are proof that we will value it. The solution is proven that we will achieve what we want in life and how to be happy or successful. 

      Now, if life gives us problems then faces the problems and then doing hard work and make extreme efforts then we realized or value it. We will achieve that value then we will happy or successful.

      Life is very beautiful and most valuable. Please don’t waste it. Every person is an artist, singer, actor, businessman, entrepreneur, politician, player, poet, writer, intelligent, ingenuity, mature and unlimited power/strengths. If you believe and trust yourself you can achieve what you want in your great life.

      So, haul the enjoyment from your life on the right path. We live life at once. If time goes it will never come again. So, enjoy as much as you can.

Do you wish to win over a mind-blowing span? Do you wish to achieve your targets and live your dreams? This is what you will find in this article. You will find the 3 insider realities it is possible to continue with a real presence. 

      What don't know is they acknowledged that accomplishing accomplishment is something. Incidentally, given that you follow these 3 insider realities you are most likely going to find here, you'll be prepared for making your goals become reality, continue with the lifestyle you require and be productive over an amazing span.

    1. Be clear about what you might want to achieve in your life. Where are you going to be in an additional 10 years? You should realize what you need on your life before you may make it. The incongruity is that numerous individuals don't know precisely what they need in their life

      This is actually what's befalling numerous individuals. They don't hope against hope since they trust it isn't feasible for them, or to set objectives. On the off chance that you wish to effective today, you should start to figure out what's your fantasy at the present time.

    2. Be energetic about what you do. In doing what you , love in the event that you wish to prevail in the course of your life, you should center. Individuals  love what they do in the course of their life, and that is the path they're in creating brings about their 24, energetic. 

      Think about Tiger Woods, Donald Trump, Michael Jordan, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and so forth. They all adoration and are energetic about their work. To them, it isn't working, it's appreciating what they love.

     3. Be eager to learn and develop. In the event that you focus on perusing a book on a month and each book is probably going to give you a plan to upgrade a mind-blowing nature, you're probably going to have at any rate 12 plans to improve your life in a year. Also, inside 3 years, you'll have in excess of 30 thoughts.

      Would you be able to envision the distinctive among you and someone who never contact a book after school? So focus on steady and ceaseless improvement. 

      Okay prefer to make your fantasies and targets work out as expected in a basic, quicker and simpler way? It is safe to say that you are extremely genuine about carrying on with the sort of way of life you might want and do you might want to be increasingly effective? With all the Success Strategies now.


      In life, beginning to end problems are always with you. If you can learn how to solve the problems step by step, then you can constantly grow.

      If you can learn how to be happy or peaceful in any situation, then you can live life as 90% can't live or think.

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.

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  1. Also Remember, You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

  2. Nice brother keep it up .
    You are nice writer.

  3. Great brother. You are more than better person than I think.

    1. Thank you so much. My best reward is you are happy & you liked my blogs.


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