Love meaning & quotes

Love & quotes


     Hello, in this article I present Love meaning, definitions, importance, explanations, and solutions. I wrote this article on the bases of today's reality, many authorized books, and experience of mine as well as other persons.

     I hope that you can enjoy the article.


LOVE means alliance between one person to another person & that alliance never be separated at any time & any situation.


Love join the one person to another person and then they can’t be separated as one soul. Maybe they are separated by divorce or breakup. But their still love is existing.

Falling in LOVE all daylight but gone than the same person.

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We Love all persons but we live with one person. One person is sufficient for the experience and enjoyment of Love.   

To have an experience of love, first of a fall you should love yourself. You become a Love, then you can love others. 

In Love joining and live together is an important but very important thing is separation. Sometimes separation is the best option because if they live together there is more experience of pain than love experience.             

E.g.   A man who Loves himself. One day a snake bite on his thumb then a man had only one option that cut his thumb as soon as. That time if the man said that I Love my self/body I can’t be separate my thumb from myself /body then he would die. So, there is the best option is separation even though he Love his self/body. As this incident in love sometimes separation from another person is the best option for both persons. And it’s also called Love.

Love isn’t doing, Love happens. First to understand love then experience and enjoy it. There is a difference between love and like. Love takes lots of time but like takes a shorter time to like or dislike.

And there is also a difference between the Love and relationship. First to understand that what is Love? and also understand what is a relationship? There are conditions, limitations, expectations, rules, and regulations not available in Love. In relationship conditions, limitations, expectations, rules, and regulations are available.

Love is the most important thing in life. To obtain Love there are many hard things to do. Love is a very valuable thing in everybody’s life. So, don’t play/cheat with other emotions and respect other emotions & things. 

LOVE isn’t doing, love happens.


There are just a few ways to Love someone, although there are various ways to define LoveLove is very valuable and can't be taken lightly or seriously. It's something which makes us blind, deaf, mute, and several other stuff. 

Here's the definition of what Love is. Love is an action. When someone says. I Love You, then turns about and acts like they could care less into be together with your or about you, then you aren't loved by them.

They stopped taking part in when someone says that they stopped loving their other. Love is not and an action a feeling. Love is an action, although sure there are feelings that go along together with it. Given that we know it's an action we must go to get in the meaning of Love.

Let us start by looking at the very popular 50/50 relationship. Which implies that every partner is suppose to give 50. That's a way to measure any connection because you provide is 50%, then you are just giving 50% of yourself. Love is a 100/100 relationship.

That's a connection where both partners are prepared to give 100% of themselves. If you truly do Love someone, and then you shouldn't think about regardless if you're on the giving end or the taking end, however you ought to be prepared to give and after that give some more. This is actually the only way that a connection can truly work and be a Love relationship.

Now Love is also forgiving and understanding to the fact that we're all humans and we do make mistakes. There are various imperfections in a loving relationship, but the difference is that those imperfections are understood, accepted, and forgiven when they cause hurt. That is a real sign of a loving connection and forgiveness is among the deepest forms of Love that may be expressed. 

Whoever loved that loved not at very first sight? I know that many of you’d be dead in favor of Love and others will be at first sight against the subject of Love.

Often, although where a few people fall in Love at first sight? Might not be for many things in life, then for the individual. What do we call it? Isn't it the love at first sight? Yes it's the Love at first sight. Can be we operate away from accepting the truth about it, but the feeling for another person can't be for long time, hide.

This Love at first sight isn't just limited for the person, but for other stuff also in life. The sight of the vehicle at minute makes our heart pound. Times this glance forces that commodity to be bought by us. This is love at first sight's illustration.
There are people and particularly the matured one who felt that falling in Love that too in the very first sight is a white lie. For them this isn't Love, but it's lust and which is forcing individuals to enquire about the other individual and after that having the session of sex with them. Here in the shade of Love individuals are quenching the sexual appetite with the other individual.

No doubt the Love at very first is just like a lie to a people and also to many this is like the pure love. The psyche of the individual is the deciding factor to differentiate that whether it's Love or the way to quench the sexual desire.

The meaning of Love, for defined in the Bible, was corrupted in the use of society and our vocabulary. Love is confused with infatuation - which elated feeling we fall into Love, we get. This type of Love is something that unless substituted by Love in relationships that are broken, and lasts under a year.

Origin of Love:

The Bible suggests that Love is from God. Since we're created in His image, God has endowed us with the ability for Love. This capacity for Love is among the ways wherein we're created in the image of God - Different types of Love - The Greek language uses two distinct words to describe and define Love.

The most used word is agape. God's passion for us represents this Love. It is a sacrificial love probably! For God so loved, but have eternal life. - The gift of God's son for a disposition for sins was given to all humans, no matter that we're.

God's Love is unconditional:

In comparison, our Love is generally conditional and depending upon how other people act toward us. This kind of Love is based on familiarity and direct interaction. The Greek word Phileo's defines this type of Love, frequently translated brotherly Love. Phileo is a soulish kind of Love - something which may be experienced by both believers and non-believers.

This is in comparison to agape, which is Love extended throughout the spirit. Agape Love requires a membership taking into account God through Jesus, by now the non-regenerated soul is not competent to astonishment utterly. Agape high regard gives and sacrifices anticipating nothing auspices in compensation.   

Those who've studied the Bible and know about Peter's character know which Peter was ruled by his emotions and frequently responded to situations emotionally, as opposed to thinking before acting. Occasionally this kind of answer led to good things, Whereas at other times, Peter's answer was inappropriate. Peter was skilled enough in expressing phileo Love, and was probably very popular due to his dynamic character.

Nevertheless, God wants us to express both phileo passion and agape Love.


      In life, love is the supreme emotion among all of the emotions. If you  can feel the love, then first you can start love to your self and what you are doing.

      Love means oneness with yourself, your work, and human beings.

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.

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