Laziness & overcome

Laziness & overcome


      Hello, in this article I present Laziness meaning, definitions, importance, explanations, and solutions. I wrote this article on the bases of today's reality, many authorized books, and experience of mine as well as other persons.

      I hope that you can enjoy the article.


Laziness means we avoid that time or work which is very important for our future and at that time we are doing other time-wasting work instead of goal-oriented work.

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There are few solutions to overcome LAZINESS are below:

Build Self-respect for you:

When we make self-respect to ourselves then we can’t depend on other people. We are doing all the works with ourselves. We can’t do bad works or do procrastinate. 

When we believe in self-respect we choose the right path and don’t support the bad things. When we made self-respect then we can give more than taking more help & support.

Don’t do procrastinations:

Avoid procrastination, which is a form of laziness. If there is something you have to do, why not do it right now and get through with it? Why let it stay nagging at the back of your head?

Find motivation for doing a particular work:

In some cases, the reason for laziness is due to a lack of motivation. You can reinforce your inspiration through assertions, representation and pondering the significance of playing out your assignment or errand or accomplishing your objective.

Learn something new at every moment:

Learning is very important for humans. If we learn every time we can’t bored and after learning we will happy and increase knowledge. That knowledge is helpful in the future.

For a healthy body take the food for good nutrition:

We should take a portion of good healthy food. We should avoid street food or hotel food for our healthy body and mind. We should take some fruits every day in life.

Focus on one goal/work instead of many goals/works:

Focus on doing one thing at a time. On the off chance that you believe you have a ton to do, you will likely feel overpowered and let lethargy defeat you, rather than you beating apathy.

Take a good sleep for your better efficiency of body and mind:

Every day we should take a good number of hour's sleep. We should take 7 hours per day of sleep. 

You can do a few minutes to exercise:

Our body is not made for only slipping and sitting. For the fitness of the body, we should do some exercises and playing outdoor games every day.

Take a good amount of water:

The human body comprises of over 60% of water. Therefore man should take 4 liters and women should take 3 liters per day.

Eat fruits for nutrition:

For the better efficiency of the human body and mind nutrition is very required. For a good amount of nutrition, we should take fruit every day.

Find a purpose, Why are you living this life?

When we know that what is our purpose to live this life then we don’t want any motivation, inspiration, and positivity. When we know our purpose in life then laziness can’t overcome us.

Set a small goal for every day in life then you will achieve the ultimate goal in life:

For the achievement of the ultimate goal in life then first we should set small goals for every day and those small goals we can achieve then the ultimate goal is automatically achieved.

Make a plan for the next day:

Before asleep, we should make a plan for the next day. When we have a plan for what we can work and when to work. For the planning, our time can save and we can’t be lazy.

Spend time with yourself:

Every day in life we spend some qualitative time with us. We talk with ourselves. Some questions must be asked to ourselves every day in the life. That questions are,  
  •     What’s happening in life?
  •     Am I doing in the right direction?

Think about the benefits, that you will get in the future:

Consider the advantages you will pick up in the event that you beat your apathy and make a move, rather than pondering the challenges or impediments. Concentrating on the challenges of doing the errand, prompts demoralization, shirking of making a move and to lethargy. You should concentrate your psyche and consideration on the advantages, not on the challenges.

Break down a task into smaller tasks:

We frequently keep away from undertakings since we discover them too enormous, excessively overpowering, excessively tiring, or taking a lot within recent memory.

Breaking an undertaking into a few littler errands can tackle this issue. At that point, every one won't appear to be so troublesome or threatening. Rather than having one major assignment, we will have a progression of little undertakings, which don't require an excessive amount of exertion.

This methodology can be applied not exclusively to assignments yet in addition to objectives and everything else we have or need to do. This will in general soften a significant part of the lethargy and internal opposition we regularly experience.

Have a dream of what and who you need to be:

Much of the time thinking about the individual we need to be, the objectives we need to accomplish, and the existence we need to live can inspire us to act.

Thinking about the consequences:

Consider what will occur, on the off chance that you surrender to sluggishness, and don't play out your errand or task. Considering the results of not acting, can likewise push you to make a move.

Build self-control for bad habits:

We should control our self in every time and every situation. If we can’t control ourselves then other people control us. If we can control ourselves then we can achieve our 50% goal instantly

For a few minutes in a day, you should do visualization:

Your creative mind affects your psyche, propensities, and activity. Picture yourself playing out the errand effectively, vigorously and eagerly. Do as such before beginning with an assignment or objective, and furthermore when you feel sluggish, or when your psyche murmurs to you to forsake what you are doing.

Repeat affirmations:

  Tell yourself:

  •        "I can accomplish my goal."

  •       "I have the vitality and dream to act and understand all I inadequacy or impulse to do."

  •     "Doing things makes me stronger."

  •       "Doing things makes things happen."

Regards a task as an exercise:

Consider each assignment as an activity to make you more grounded, increasingly unequivocal and progressively self-assured.

Learn from successful people:

Watch effective individuals, and how they don't allow lethargy to win. Gain from them, talk with them and partner with them.

Don’t overthink:

When we are doing something we need thinking but don’t think more about that work. If we are doing overthink then our work time and opportunities will go.

Don’t go with short term pleasure and thing. Go for long term happiness or peace:

When we are going to work according to plan that time our mind thinks about instant pleasure and avoid that time of pain. So, that time we think about long term happiness or peace not to divert in instant pleasure. Instant pleasures spoil our long term pleasures.


In this life, the only person who can change your life is only you. If you are ready for the challenges and hard work then you're will change gradually.

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.

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  1. You have great understanding brother. keep doing bro...

    1. Thank you so much. My best reward is you are happy & you liked my blogs.


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